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ZIM announces direct Asia - Boston connection
American Shipper
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The Israeli carrier ZIM has announced rotation changes for some of the Asia-USEC loops that it will offer as from next February as part of a Vessel Sharing Agreement with MSC.

Most changes were already reported by MSC in late November with the exception however of a new Boston call in the rotation of the new ?XB?service which MSC will brand as ?merald? This loop will be mainly catering for export cargo from Vietnam and South China to the US East Coast.

Boston will become the last port of call in the USA before the ships return to Singapore. The d rotation reads: Singapore, Cai Mep, Haiphong, Yantian ?(Panama Canal) ?Cartagena (Col), Charleston, Savannah, Jacksonville, New York, Boston ?(CGH) ?Singapore.

Adding Boston goes at the expense of a call at Baltimore, which will however be served by the new ?7S / America?and ?NS / Empire?loops to/from SE Asia and South China and to/from North China and Korea respectively. The new ?XB?will replace ZIM? current standalone ?XB?loop, which is the abbreviation of ?IM Ecommerce Xpress Baltimore?service.

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