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AD/CV News: Bedroom Furniture, Chassis, PET Film and Sheet, Solar Products
American Shipper
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The International Trade Administration and/or International Trade Commission have recently announced the following actions in antidumping and/or countervailing duty cases.
Bedroom furniture 每 rescission of administrative review of AD duty order on wooden bedroom furniture from China for the period Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2019, and instruction to CBP to assess AD duties on entries of such goods at the applicable cash deposit rates
Chassis 每 preliminary affirmative AD and CV injury determinations on chassis and subassemblies from China
PET film 每 rescission of administrative review of AD duty order on polyethylene terephthalate film from China for the period Nov. 1, 2018, through Oct. 31, 2019, and instruction to CBP to assess AD duties on entries of such goods at the applicable cash deposit rates
PET sheet 每 issuance of AD duty orders on polyethylene terephthalate sheet from Korea and Oman, effective Sept. 10.
Solar products 每 continuation of AD duty orders on crystalline silicon photovoltaic products from China and Taiwan and CV duty order on such goods from China, effective Sept.

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